After a modest delay (since June 2010, I believe) the provincial Legislative Assembly has resumed sitting, as the 3rd Session of the 39th Parliament.
Judging by the media coverage, like this article from the Victoria Times Colonist, discussion about the HST referendum will occupy a significant amount of the legislature's time. There's something else to look out for, however... the bill which introduces a new Family Law Act, the legislation suggested in last summer's white paper. If the Family Relations Act is going to be replaced, it's going to be replaced in this legislative session before matters relating to the next election begin to preoccupy government and the opposition.
Check out the first reading section of the legislature's webpage for the proceedings of the current legislative session to keep yourself up to date, at You're looking for a government bill called "An Act to Amend the Law Relating to Domestic Relations" or "An Act to Amend the Family Relations Act," or something else along those lines.
For more information about the white paper, click on the "White Paper" label below.
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